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As of Tuesday January 14, 2025 we currently have the product IN STOCK and are ready to ship within 24 hours of purchase.

I want to thank you again for my introduction to Body Balance. After six weeks of introducing the product to many of my patients, the response has been overwhelming! Never has a product been so well accepted and enjoyed by everyone, including young, middle and older aged people. Ninety-five percent of my patients have told me they’ve experienced increased energy and endurance. I have received very favorable responses from an Alzheimer’s patient, several spinal pain patients and the list goes on and on. My greatest joy is to see my older patients, who are weak and feeble, begin to feel that wholesome energy and renewed life. Thanks Again,”

Ronald V. Free, D.C., Free Chiropractic Centre

“Independent chromatography and spectrometry analysis confirm the products contain the nutrients indicated in the amounts required by the body…Body Balance works…”

Mark Houston, M.D., FACP

“I have been prescribing Life Force products to my patients for several years. Prevention and proper function are the keys to good health, and Body Balance supplies the natural vitamins, macro minerals, trace minerals, amino acids and enzymes that are needed to insure both. What the patients like most is that Body Balance is convenient, pleasant tasting, and best of all they don’t have to take dozens of pills daily. I am the best testimony in my office because I have personally used the products for years and would never be without them. I have personally experienced an increase in stamina and quality of life with Life Force products.”

Donna Novak, D.C.

”I have been in chiropractic practice since 1979. In recommending the Life Force products to my patients, I feel confident because the Regeneration Program is complete. The products are palatable and easy to use. They are excellent for detoxification as well as for people who want greater health and vitality. I personally use the products therefore I feel confident in recommending them to my patients.”

Ron Baker, D.C

“With full confidence I endorse this product and recommend it for improved energy and vitality. I use it myself…I have never seen one product, in 22 years of practicing pharmacy, that has benefited so many.”

Mark F. Binkley, Ph.D, (pharmacist)

“I have seen tremendous results in my patients who take the Life Force Regeneration Program. Patients who have had chronic migraine headaches, arthritic symptoms and PMS have found tremendous relief and permanent weight loss is very common. I highly recommend it. My personal experience with Body Balance is a tremendous energy boost. I love the product.”

Dr. Lisa Temple O.M.D. Boulder, CO

”I have been in chiropractic practice since 1979. In recommending the Life Force products to my patients, I feel confident because the Regeneration Program is complete. The products are palatable and easy to use. They are excellent for detoxification as well as for people who want greater health and vitality. I personally use the products therefore I feel confident in recommending them to my patients.”

Ron Baker, D.C

“For me, the biggest advantage of Body Balance is the ‘no pill, no capsule’ aspect. This, combined with the great taste and palatability makes it a wonder food. We have witnessed many remarkable changes in ourselves and our patients by using these products in our wellness system program. Our practice focuses on teaching self responsibility, understanding what the cells of our body really need and want. What a miracle this human machine is when we relieve it of those little daily interferences of faulty lifestyle, habit, wrong food combinations, highly refined foods and reactive foods. When you climb aboard the Life Force train you are in for an enviable track record that leads to a new horizon in health. You will experience vitality because each cell is starting to smile again. That is where all life begins and your health is the by-product of many, many happy smiling cells.”

Vernon R. Mannon, D.C., Bloomington, IL

“Body Balance provides the nutritional support to meet the nutritional needs of all patients. This is an exceptional supplement worth considering as part of any wellness program.”

Steven G. Hallwanger, M.D.

Customers reviews

“My vigor was restored after a five year chronic siege of the Epstein-Barr Virus, when a medical doctor who specializes in preventive medicine introduced me to Body Balance. My belief in the wonderful benefits of this product, and my personal experience, have inspired me to introduce Body Balance to doctors and health care professionals, who share my belief in the importance of nutrition and detoxification to an individual’s optimum health.”

Lenore Laudenslager San Diego, CA

“I have been taking Body Balance for 16 months now, and it has made a dramatic difference in my health. I have had high blood pressure for 20 years and diabetes for nine. Although I watched my diet and followed the doctors recommendations I had no relief and was going to need insulin shots. In June, 1996, I was introduced to Body Balance by a friend. In the year that has followed, my blood pressure gradually lowered to its current level of 123/76 and my blood sugar dropped to 125/135! I now maintain my blood pressure level with 10 mg. of Norvasc! My doctor has changed my diabetes medication to much safer Glucophage and Glynase. I have more energy, sleep better, and have an overall increased sense of well-being. This is why I am happy and confident to recommend Body Balance to anyone and everyone I meet.”

John Weldy Jacksonville, FL

“My husband, Roy, is 91 years old. For the last two years he has been going downhill. I noticed subtle changes in his facial appearance, his hands were rough to the touch and he was tired and sleepy all the time. For one month Roy took 1.5 ounces of Body Balance every morning after breakfast. I am happy to report that Roy’s health has dramatically improved since he started taking Body Balance. Within 2 weeks he started doing push-ups, after not having done them for two years! He now regularly stays up until 11:00 pm, and has started walking more. Roy’s face is so smooth and alive looking now and his hands feel like silk and the circulation has improved.”

Dorothy Rae Fischel Lafayette, IN

“I have been using natural products and supplements for many years. It wasn’t until I was introduced to Life Force Body Balance that I noticed many changes taking place. My energy level increased dramatically, my skin took on a healthy appearance and many have told me that I look younger.”

Dea Macavoy Ukiah, OR

* DISCLAIMER: Life Force, Intl. makes no claim that these results are representative of all consumers who use Body Balance. We recommend you consult with a physician before taking any supplements. Individual results may vary. Body Balance is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment or cure of any medical condition. This website was prepared by an Independent Member and is neither approved nor adopted by Life Force, Intl. For Distribution in the US market only. The testimonials on this page are actual customer testimonials.

The statements on this web page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products or information are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. In all matters related to your health please contact a qualified, licensed health practitioner.